Sunday, October 24, 2010

When considering home exchange: don't short-sell yourself

We live in Brantford. one hour from Toronto and about the same distance from Niagara, Stratford etc.  We are blessed with a wonderful, historic community, cycling and hiking paths, a vantage point from which to travel to the theatre and vinyards of the Niagara and Stratford areas -  yet, we continue to ask ourselves:  "Why would anyone bother to come to our town and participate in a home exchange?"  We decided to put that question to the test and see who in the past year has expressed in interest in coming to Brantford and participate in a home exchange.  We were surprised.  The list included people from Israel, St. Petersburg, Mexico, Paris, Australia, Holland!!  We had forgotten that what may be ordinary and common-place to us, is new and interesting to others.  The things we take for granted are an inviting adventure to those who come to visit.  So, don't short-sell yourself when listing your home.